NASA's Ingenuity helicopter - First Flight

NASA's Ingenuity helicopter is ready to mark a history

The first flight can take off around April 8.

Less than 120 years after the first aircraft flew into the sky over the windy fields near Kitty Hawk, small helicopters are preparing to buzz around the surface of Mars.

Just like the Wright Brothers, if Ingenuity helicopter by NASA will fly successfully it will make a history.

As per Tim Canham, "We have never seen an aircraft that could power itself off on another planet," who leads helicopter operations team at NASA.

The small table-sized helicopter arrived on Mars in February and settled safely under a Perseverance rover that charges and keeps the helicopter's battery warm.

Ingenuity has now reached the helipad, and the camera mounted on the Perseverance slowly unfolds to catch it hanging under the rover.

Images shot with a SHERLOC/WATSON device show your creativity unfolding under your patience. (Provided by: NASA / JPL-Caltech)

The mission of a small helicopter begins when the rover drops Ingenuity to the ground this week. Not only do you have to survive on a Martian night, where temperatures can drop to minus 100 degrees Celsius, but you have to survive on your own as it flies away.

A new image shows the vertical position of Ingenuity to be dropped. (Provided by: NASA / JPL-Caltech)

Mr. Canham said that we have 90 seconds of fear every time we fly, because if we send a command to say 'fly' in the morning, we send the whole command and then press go. There’s nothing can be done to change the result afterwards.
